Coming soon! Cycle tour Moscow - Oslo - Washington DC. July 6 to August 6, 2023. The route goes from Moscow, St. Petersburg, to Helsinki, Stockholm, Oslo, flight to New York to Washington DC. In 1983, Bike for peace had its first trip between Russia and the United States. So it will be 40 years since Bike for peace had its first bike ride there.
Bike for Peace is a Norwegian based organization that seeks to initiate and develop a grassroot concern for the local environment, as well as creating an understanding of the national and global consequences of the actions of individuals, communities and campaigns. In 1977 Helge Hundeide and Tore Naerland started their first international bicycle tour which they called "Bike for Peace". This first tour was Coast to Coast in the USA, Seattle - Washington DC. The first campaign was run in 1978 in Northern Ireland. Since 1978 Bike for Peace has organized peace and friendship rides in more than 104 countries. In 1983 Bike for Peace organized the biggest tour Moscow - Oslo - New York - Washington with 40 cyclists. In 1999 Bike for Peace organized the Worldwide tour 1999 from Beijing through China, Kazakhstan, Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway, covering a total of 11 470 km. In 2015 Bike for Peace together with Russian Cycle Touring Club organized Golden Ring of Russia tour with riders from Russia, Norway, US, Australia. In 2016 Bike for Peace together with Russian Cycle Touring Club and Mayors for Peace organized Moscow - St. Petersburg bike tour with riders from Russia, Norway, Italy, US, UK, Singapore, Canada.
Bike for Peace USSR 1983
During its tours, Bike for Peace has met many well-known political, religious and cultural leaders like Pope Johannes Paul II, the former State Secretary of the Soviet Union Andreij Gromyko, the General Secretary of the United Nations Boutros Boutros Ghali and Perez de Cuellar, the former President of Poland Lech Walesa, President of Ireland Mary Robinson, the General Secretary of the National League for Democracy of Burma Aung San Suu Kyi and others. The leader of Bike for Peace Tore Naerland has been fighting for peace, disarmament and democracy on the planet for almost 30 years. He has been promoting peace by organizing biking and cultural tours in various countries since 1978 and inspired many people to join his ideas. In 2014 Mr. Naerland was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his work for peace and democracy in Burma/Myanmar.
Bike for Peace 2015 Russia photo report
Bike for Peace 2016 Moscow - St. Petersburg photo report